Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu posted a video of her pole dancing. The actress who is rumoured to be dating Karan Singh Grover was last seen in Alone. Bipasha is socially very active and keeps updating her fans about her life. The actress took it to her Instagram account and posted a video which shows her pole dancing skills.
Before you readers go on a wild trip of imagination, let me break the secret about her pole dancing. The video of her pole dancing is all animated and was sent to Bipasha by a fan. Check it out and you are sure gonna love it. Although it is animated, Bipasha Basu, a committed actress that she is, wants to learn the art of pole dancing!
Meanwhile, the rumoured lovebirds Bipasha and Karan were spotted again at a posh restaurant having dinner together, last night. Bipasha Basu was looking smoking hot with Karan Singh Grover.
Before you readers go on a wild trip of imagination, let me break the secret about her pole dancing. The video of her pole dancing is all animated and was sent to Bipasha by a fan. Check it out and you are sure gonna love it. Although it is animated, Bipasha Basu, a committed actress that she is, wants to learn the art of pole dancing!
Meanwhile, the rumoured lovebirds Bipasha and Karan were spotted again at a posh restaurant having dinner together, last night. Bipasha Basu was looking smoking hot with Karan Singh Grover.
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